Allison Fradkin

Holy Inappropriate

by Allison Fradkin

“Here’s the story of a lovely lady who is bringing up three very lovely girls…in the Christian Patriarchy Movement. All of them have been controlled, like their mother, by their heavenly father. Mother’s little helpers know very well that their mission in life is submission, and that womanhood is synonymous with motherhood. Now that all three are officially members of the premarital sex, it’s time for Mom to teach them about the birds and the believers. But what happens when she discovers that the family’s values of freedom of religion and freedom of speech pale in comparison to the most desirable freedom of all: reproductive? Will Mom maintain her pro-life stance — that birth control is exerted solely by God — or will she stop denying her BORN children the right to life?”

Allison Fradkin

Scriptly speaking, Allison Fradkin (she/her) creates satirically scintillating plays that (sur)pass the Bechdel Test and enlist their characters in a caricature of the idiocies and intricacies of insidious isms. An enthusiast of inclusivity and accessibility, Fradkin freelances for her hometown of Chicago as Literary Manager of Violet Surprise Theatre, curating new works by queer playwrights; and as Dramatist for Special Gifts Theatre, adapting scripts for actors of all abilities.


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